Why rehab facilities are the best choice for addicts

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People have been fighting and struggling with addiction for many years now and detox center and rehabilitation facilities have always been the number one choice for addicts who acknowledged their illness and wanted to get better. However, recently, many studies have been conducted with regard to the efficiency of rehab centers and the real need for them, as modernistic concepts and approaches began to instill the idea of addicts overcoming their disease through sheer force of will or with the help of their families. While the strong and unconditional support of family and friends can certainly do wonders for the recovery process of any addict, the need for professional help and guidance from experienced physicians and therapists is still present, reason for which proficient rehab facilities, such as Vita Novus, are still the best choice for addicts. Regardless of whether you are addicted to drugs, alcohol or pain medication, you need highly specialized help that can manage and treat your addiction correspondingly, in order for you not to fall prey to relapse, and this help is available in specialized institutions and recovery centers like Vita Novus inc.

First and foremost, rehab facilities have experienced and proficient staff, whether physicians, therapists, counselors or nurses, permanently monitoring you and make sure you are on the right track. If you decide to deal with your addiction on your own, with the sole supervision of your family or friends, who have their own lives, jobs to go to, kids to pick up from school and so on, you risk falling prey to temptations, which are far easier to obtain than if you were in a treatment center. Furthermore, these addiction treatment facilities, like Vita Novus rehab, provide the perfect environment for recovery, offering tranquility and serenity, as opposed to the busy and frustrating life in the city. Many of them offer spa like accommodations, with stellar living conditions and a series of recreational activities, such as swimming, horse back riding, canoeing, fitness facilities and so on, which further improves the development of the recovery process, by helping patients relax and unwind, which makes them more receptive to therapy. At home, any disappointment, stressful situation or feeling of overwhelm can be a reason to fall off the wagon and start using again.

Another reason for which treatment centers like Vita Novus are the best option for people struggling with addiction is that within the enclosed environment of the recovery facility, one has the opportunity to meet other people suffering from the same thing or people who have been through similar life situations or events, people who you can connect to and relate with. This is a highly important aspect in the recovery process, the feeling that you are not alone and that somebody understands what you are going to and it helps addicts respond better to treatment and be more prone to receiving the help they are offered. There are plenty of other reasons for which rehab facilities continue to be the most suitable and effective options for people suffering from addiction and you can find out more about their benefits online.

How to get rid of drug addiction

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Every day more and more people end up at the emergency room because of drug over dose, as well as more and more of them die of that, as drug addiction has reached alarming levels all over the world. It has been scientifically proven that addiction is a disease of the brain, but it was also proven that it can be treated and people who are suffering from addiction can overcome this terrible illness if they choose the right path. There are several things one needs to do in order to increase their chances of a successful recovery and embrace a drug free life, the first of which is getting professional help from established clinics or recovery centers, such as the Vita Novus rehab. The road to recovery is very difficult and it is filled with setbacks and pitfalls, which is why the only way to overcome addiction is to have a strong support system, in addition to the professional treatment that you receive, in experienced and proficient rehabilitation facilities, such as the Vita Novus recovery center or others of the sort.

As mentioned above, the first thing you need to do to get rid of addiction is resort to professional help, which means admission to a rehab center. However, many addicts feel reluctant to admit themselves to rehab, because they fail to acknowledge their disease and live under the impression that they can quit at any moment, refusing to realize they have lost control over the situation. In these cases, most families and close friends of the addict resort to intervention services, which are also available at more modern rehabilitation centers, such as the Vita Novus inc. Once the person struggling with addiction has acknowledged his or her illness and the gravity of the situation, he or she will be more prone to accept the help of established rehab facilities and they will also be more responsive to the treatment provided. These specialized addiction treatment centers, such as the Vita Novus recovery facility, make use of highly trained and qualified physicians and counselors to deliver professional detoxification services, as well as various therapies and counseling sessions, which greatly help patients recover from addiction. They focus both on the physical addiction, by providing biochemical restoration treatment and on the psychological dependency, through the variety of cognitive behavioral therapies and all the others.

Resorting to professional help is just the first step in getting rid of addiction. As the recovery process is a long term endeavor, another factor that bears a lot of weight in the process is the support system you rely on, once you are out of rehab. Therefore, in order to increase your chances to a successful recovery, it is not sufficient to admit yourself to a good and reliable rehabilitation facility, such as the Vita Novus rehab, but you also need to make sure you can lean on a strong support system, whether your family, close friends, partners or whomever. The important thing is that you allow them into your world and your life and you open up to them, so that they can support you the best way they can.

The power of a full service rehab

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Today, there are many types of rehabilitation facilities available, both governmental programs and private facilities, providing people struggling with addiction with many options when it comes to types of treatments, therapies and the overall approach to recovery. To that extent, it has become harder and harder for people to choose a rehabilitation center, as there are numerous aspects to take into account and it has become difficult to differentiate between reliable and professional centers and the rest of them. However, if you are looking for a proficient rehab clinic for yourself or for a loved one, the best thing you can do is find a center that provides full services, such as the Vita Novus rehab center, which means you can benefit from both detoxification services and complete array of therapies. It has been established that addiction is a brain disease, but the changes that it produces within the brain also affect the psychology of a person, so it is important for the treatment to address both issues, the physical addiction and the psychological dependency, which is what full service rehab is all about. Rehabilitation facilities like Vita Novus inc go further than that and offer individuals who suffer from addiction a holistic approach to recovery, helping them rebuild their lives and gain a new perspective on things.

Full service rehab centers are very powerful in what the recovery process is concerned, because they significantly increase the chances to a successful recovery and people have the chance to overcome addiction faster, through intense detox programs and continuous support afterward. The biochemical restoration services and the detoxification programs that these facilities provide focus on the physical addiction, their goal being the reversing of the alterations to the brain produced by the prolonged exposure to drugs or any other substance of abuse. The wide range of therapies offered, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, talk therapy or even art therapy are meant to deal with the psychological compulsions, as well as to help the patient regain hope and embrace a new perspective on life, one of meaning and happiness. There is plenty of information online with regard to holistic rehab facilities and what they can do to help people suffering from addiction, as well as how they actually have helped former patients overcome this terrible disease. However, you should be very careful in finding reliable data, as there are some unsubstantiated Vita Novus complaints or info on many other such centers that come from questionable sources.

All things considered, fighting addiction and getting clean is very difficult process, which is why getting the best possible help is of the essence and full service rehabilitation facilities, such as Vita Novus rehab, are the way to go, because they provide complete and professional treatments and therapies that have a high success rate. Therefore, if you want to give yourself or your loved one the best chances to overcome the addiction, you should direct your attention towards this type of recovery centers, such as Vita Novus inc, as they offer powerful solutions to a great problem.


What to expect from a rehab clinic

Drug addiction is more and more commonly met among teenagers nowadays, but not only. When it comes to rehabilitation, a very small percentage of addicts seek for professional help and check out rehab clinics or treatment facilities, such as Vita Novus recovery center. The truth is that most of them don’t even know what to expect from such a place. On the one hand, some addicts see rehabilitation clinics as the miraculous cure for their disease, thinking that one round of rehab will forever end their problem, which is of course entirely false. At the opposite end, some addicts don’t believe rehab can help them at all and perceive this clinics as only one step up from homeless shelters. For both types of individuals, modern treatment centers like Vita Novus inc have come up with the solution, first by providing not only fixed treatment programs, but also counseling and therapy for when a patient leaves the center and second by offering high class accommodation, a true oasis of relaxation and peace of mind.

That being said, one thing is for sure: you can expect Vita Novus rehab and other centers as such to help, as they will offer you several things you can’t reach on your own on the outside. To start with, a rehabilitation center provides 24 hour supervision in a sober environment, making it impossible for patients to relapse as long as they are on the premises, regardless of the withdrawal pains that you might suffer or other craving and symptoms. Furthermore, you can expect treatment facilities like the Vita Novus recovery center to offer you a great deal of support, through experienced and skilled staff, including medical physicians, therapists and counselors. It’s easier for addicts to trust or listen to the staff members of a rehab clinic, as in many cases, they are recovering addicts themselves, which means they have gone through the exact experiences their patients are now going. This creates a strong bound, which greatly facilitates the recovery process, by making addicts more prone to accept help and guidance.

Apart from doctors like psychiatrists and clinical therapists, in clinics such as Vita Novus rehab center, you can expect to find auxiliary staff also, including acupuncture practitioners, massage therapists or yoga and meditation trainers. Moreover, rehabilitation facilities will also educate you on the disease, as well as your family and friends, explaining the effects of drugs or alcohol on addicts’ behavior and personality and providing relapse prevention therapy. Nevertheless, you can not expect the rehab clinic to be your universal answer to addiction and cure you in 30 days or whatever program you choose to follow, no matter how reputable and experienced the center is, like the Vita Novus inc. As long as your expectations are realistic and you are ready to make a change in your life, the time spend in rehab will most definitely prove highly helpful, but the recovery process does not end the minute you walk out the door of the center.

What is the right addiction treatment?

When it comes to addiction, many physicians, therapists and mostly rehab clinics claim they have the answer, meaning the right treatment. Truth be told, organizations like Alcoholics Anonymous, support groups and rehabilitation centers like Vita Novus inc have indeed helped thousands, if not millions of people get clean and stay so, whether they suffered from alcohol addiction, drugs or even both. However, there are also plenty of people who have failed to remain sober or clean after they have left the premises of the treatment center and even spent thousands of dollars in treatment. In fact, statistics show that only 10% of the 23.5 million individuals who suffer from addiction get help and most of this percentage fail to go on living a drug free life. The reason of the failure seems to be the fact that numerous rehab programs do not use proven methods when it comes to the underlying factors of alcohol and drug addiction and relapse. To that extent, it has become essential to find the best possible facility, such as Vita Novus rehab center, in order to make sure you get suitable treatment.

One of the main flaws of the treatment programs seems to be their outdated roots, as very few clinics have started to adopt newer approaches to addiction treatment, although scientific studies have clearly shown that they register a higher level of efficiency, not only in helping people get sober or clean, but also in helping them remain so. Moreover, what is even worse, a lot of people take more time and research more options when it comes to buying a new car than when looking for a rehabilitation center. Thorough research is of the essence in such a case, as there are many clinics available and only few that can actually help. On the other hand, one should be very careful in checking the veracity of the sources, as they can be easily misled. For instance, there are a couple of unsubstantiated Vita Novus complaints circulating the Internet, when, in fact, the Vita Novus inc is one of the few facilities that brings a holistic approach to treating addiction, focusing on overcoming both physical and psychological dependency.

The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse from Columbia University published a radical report on addiction treatment, reaching the conclusion that “the vast majority of people in need of addiction treatment do not receive anything that approximates evidence-based care.” Furthermore, the report stated that a very small fraction of individuals who suffer from addiction “receive interventions or treatment consistent with scientific knowledge about what works.” Consequently, if you want to get the best available treatment for addiction and to ensure its success, you should direct your attention towards modern scientific approaches and complete treatment facilities like the Vita Novus rehab center. It is important to find a treatment program that fits your values and beliefs, one that is right for you, and not just pick the best known or most common approach, such as the 12-step program.

Vita Novus rehab believes in a second chance

Addictions are excruciating conditions that have one of the most destructive forces possible. They start with the personal life of the addict and don’t stop until everything around him is ruined from jobs, career, home, friends to family – everything gets lost in this ruinous process. However, even the shortest moment of lucidity that pushes one to seek treatment for his/her addictions – be it drug, alcohol, gambling, sex or any other addiction is considered by Vita Novus rehab the beginning of a new life. This center provides complete services of rehabilitation from counseling, interventions to treatments and skilled physicians that can help patients to abandon forever their harmful addictions. Another benefit ensured by this rehab centre is the fact that every patient is provided with a stable, friendly environment, one that allows them to explore their inner selves by engaging to the small pleasures of life like fishing, canoeing, swimming or other relaxing activities.

In fact, this safe environment hosts a complete set of facilities that are used efficiently in treating the addiction. In addition, the patient has the opportunity to relate to other suffering addicts and can choose to share their fall as well as their rise. Thus, during the stage of recovery, a patient is surrounded by a positive, hopeful environment accentuated by every single person who wants to get fully recovered. Likewise, Vita Novus Inc also offers many relaxation activities such as yoga, massage therapy, reiki and lounges, indoor pools, hot tubs, private rooms and many other facilities that can only help defeating an addiction. Moreover, this program focuses also on preventing a relapse, thus, they are conseling the patients about the best methods on combating temptations, or avoiding to indulge in the same practices that lead to the addiction in the first place. Thus, it can be said that the main aim of this reputed rehab program is to bring a former addict to a stable, secure condition, free of pressure or other external impacts.

This center represents a proficient tool for any addict that wants to leave behind the dark and want to embrace a new life of joy and love. Friends and family are also welcome to heal their emotional pains or tension by joining the therapy sessions. As a matter of fact, families from all over the world can participate at this rehab programs by the medium of Internet, where a qualified therapist can help them regain their balance. Besides the effective treatments, the entire process hosted by Vita Novus center, the motivational and inspirational cases can have an amazing, positive impact on the patient that has his faith and that of his new friends as the support for his recovery. This fruitful and positive atmosphere that welcomes any person struggling with addiction represents actually the most efficient approach in gaining control over life again. In addition, the non-judgmental environment and the caring members of this centre can mean the world for a patient, even that difference between life and self-destruction. To conclude it can be said that irrespective of the addiction period, this centre is justified to guarantee full recovery and long-term results.

The life threatening dangers of an addiction

Modern society is constantly evolving, learning to confront its weaknesses, but it seem that a problem continues to grow, drug addiction. More and more people are facing up to their inner demons harder and harder, learning the hard way the dangers of this disease. Doctors all over the world are making patients aware that help is available and that drug recovery treatments do work. There are so many dangers which can ruin a life in a split of second and only by giving up on your addiction will things turn for the best. It is true that in theory all appears easy and simple and in reality the process is longer, but what remains unchanged is what you have to gain after following and completing the steps involved.

Whether you have to work within yourself or among the people which surround you like Vita Novus rehab program recommends, the idea is to do some changes before it is too late. As mentioned in the beginning, drug addiction can have serious consequences. One of the major dangers in drug addiction is damaging the function of the brain. Drug addicts will discover that it is harder to perform even daily chores without taking that specific substance their body craves for. For instance, there are substances which give your body a higher amount of energy. While you are on that substance, you feel as if you can do practically anything, but when you wake up, everything will feel much more difficult. After some time, your brain will get accustomed with the drug and you will feel the need to continue using the substance. There is however this misconception that once you have taken part in a specialized program like the ones at Vita Novus Inc, you will not  recover and you will have real difficulties in living a healthy life, as the drug has managed to completely damage your brain. The human body is quite resistance and in time, you will see that all wounds heel and you will be able to resume your activities.

Moreover, there several social problems which appear as a result of a drug addiction. People suffering from this disease will stop at nothing to get their hands on the craved substance. Therefore, most will lose touch with their loved ones, will enter dangerous entourages, will be unable to maintain healthy relationships. Keep in mind that for a drug addict each disappointment is ten times harder to handle. This is why at Vita Novus rehab center, for example, patients learn to cope with problems without any external help, they are taught to become better, more understanding and how to stay away from temptations. The most important danger of all is without a doubt death. Drug addiction is known to be reason for thousands of deaths each year. Whether it is an overdose or a deadly combination of substances, the result is the same and the numbers are truly alarming. If you are facing drug issues, take appropriate measures before it is too late and choose the help of treatment facilities like Vita Novus Inc, which can point you in the right direction. Life has its ups and downs, but thinking that all problems will disappear simply by using a specific substance is a mistake, which can ruin your life.